The Cerberus Tank Review

If you are a fan of the Twilight series then you may have already read a few reviews about the new Twilight novel by Stephenie Meyer. The first book in the trilogy was entitled Eclipse and it was a huge success for Twilight fans everywhere. The book was released just a year ago and has so far been the best selling book on the entire market. It is set to be released in a week and has already made the bestseller list.
The Cerberus Tank Review
This article will focus on the Cerberus Tank review that has been written recently on the Amazon website. This review does not have any real positive or negative points at all, however it does have quite a bit of information that you may find interesting. It is a review written by one of the main characters from the book. It is interesting that this person has written such a bad review and it makes you wonder whether or not it might be influenced by the fact that the book’s main character is also a reviewer.
The Cerberus Tank review did seem like it was written by a person who was very excited about the book. It is definitely an exciting book and I am sure that the writer is going to enjoy writing it. However, this should not mean that the novel is worthless. I am sure that she has the talent and the knowledge to write a good book. The problem with the book is that it is written in a very rushed manner.